
  • 滑点(Slippage)与交易冲击

    解释滑点之前,先看限价订单簿(limit orderbook):

    图中买一(top bid)和卖一(top ask)的价差成为点差(spread, 也有叫盘口),买卖价的中间点称为中点价格(mid-point price)。简单情况下,我们会用中点价作为交易成本的一个基准因素。

    对于每个交易的子订单,最终的成交价与该基准之间的差是衡量交易成本的度量,称为“滑点(slippage)”。关于滑点,打个比方:假设我打算买入500手茅台,此时的买一是999.8, 卖一是1000.2,中间价是1000.0。我可能会挂一个市价买单(bid market order),市价单将会以对手方的最优价(best offer price)成交。单挂出去后,反馈给我2笔成交记录:300@1000.2, 200@1000.4;第一次成交盘口没变,第二次成交的时候,盘口变成了1000.2(bid1), 1000.4(ask1)。这样的话,两次的滑点分别是0.2, 0.4(记住是以挂单时的中间价算)。





    x 暂时影响 永久影响 滑点
    第一次 1000.2-1000.0 0 0.2+0
    第二次 1000.4-1000.3 1000.3 – 1000.0 0.1+0.3
  • pyprof2calltree — Python 性能分析 可视化


    python -m cProfile -o output.perf your_script.py --your args


    pyprof2calltree -i output.perf -k


  • Backtest Best Practices 股票回测的最佳实践

    Use cross-validation to achieve just the right amount of model complexity.

    Always keep an out-of-sample test dataset. You should only look at the results of a test on this dataset once all model decisions have been made. If you let the results of this test influence decisions made about the model, you no longer have an estimate of generalization error.

    Be wary of creating multiple model configurations. If the Sharpe ratio of a backtest is 2, but there are 10 model configurations, this is a kind of multiple comparison bias. This is different than repeatedly tweaking the parameters to get a sharpe ratio of 2.

    Be careful about your choice of time period for validation and testing. Be sure that the test period is not special in any way.

    Be careful about how often you touch the data. You should only use the test data once, when your validation process is finished and your model is fully built. Too many tweaks in response to tests on validation data are likely to cause the model to increasingly fit the validation data.

    Keep track of the dates on which modifications to the model were made, so that you know the date on which a provable out-of-sample period commenced. If a model hasn’t changed for 3 years, then the performance on the past 3 years is a measure of out-of-sample performance.

    Traditional ML is about fitting a model until it works. Finance is different—you can’t keep adjusting parameters to get a desired result. Maximizing the in-sample sharpe ratio is not good—it would probably make out of sample sharpe ratio worse. It’s very important to follow good research practices.

    How does one split data into training, validation, and test sets so as to avoid bias induced by structural changes? It’s not always better to use the most recent time period as the test set, sometimes it’s better to have a random sample of years in the middle of your dataset. You want there to be nothing SPECIAL about the hold-out set. If the test set was the quant meltdown or financial crisis—those would be special validation sets. If you test on those time periods, you would be left with the unanswerable question: was it just bad luck? There is still some value in a strategy that would work every year except during a financial crisis.
    如何将数据分为训练,验证和测试集,以避免结构变化引起的偏差?使用最近的时间段作为测试集并不总是更好,有时最好在数据集中使用几年的随机样本。您希望保留集(hold-out set)没有特别之处。如果测试集是量化崩溃或金融危机,那将是特殊的验证集。如果在这些时间段进行测试,那么您将面临一个无法回答的问题:这只是运气不好吗?除了在金融危机期间,每年都可以使用的策略还有一些价值。

    Alphas tend to decay over time, so one can argue that using the past 3 or 4 years as a hold out set is a tough test set. Lots of things work less and less over time because knowledge spreads and new data are disseminated. Broader dissemination of data causes alpha decay. A strategy that performed well when tested on a hold-out set of the past few years would be slightly more impressive than one tested on a less recent time period.

    Source/来源: AI for Trading, Udacity

  • Note: Overlapping labels 重叠的标签, AI for Trading


    重叠标签(overlapping labels)问题是使用金融数据训练预测模型遇到的一个问题。如下图所示,假设我们要训练一个模型预测未来一周的收益,最简单的情况下我们会用某一天T的后一周连续收益作为训练的标签(label, i.e. 那个y)。这样每天的样本例子都有一个未来一周的label对应。但由于金融数据有自相关性,连续几天的label通常是相互关联的——这就和大多数机器学习模型的假设冲突,因为这些模型通常假设我们输入的每个样本间是独立同分布的(independent and identically distributed, IID)。

    以随机森林(Random Forest)模型为例,如果按照上述样本进行训练,那么一个bag里面的样本很容易互相关联,out-bag的样本也亦如此,于是生成的各个决策树就比较相似,最终导致生成的森林的error rate上升——他们太相似了。

    解决方案1:sum-sampling 子采样







  • 笔记 – Tree-based models with financial data, AI for Trading

    Importance of Random Column Selection / 随机列选择的重要性

    Sometimes one feature will dominate in finance. If you don’t apply some type of random feature selection, then your trees will not be that different (i.e., will be correlated) and that reduces the benefit of ensembling.
    有时,一项特征将在财务数据中占主导地位。 如果您不应用某种类型的随机特征选择,那么您的树将不会有太大的不同(即, 他们之间的相关性太高),从而降低了集成(ensembling)的好处。

    What features are typically dominant? Classical, price-driven factors, like mean reversion or momentum factors, often dominate. You may also see that features that define industry sectors or market “regimes” (periods defined, for example, by high or low market volatility or other market-wide trends) are towards the root of the tree.
    典型地,价格驱动的因子(例如均值回归或动量因子)通常占主导地位。 您还可能会看到,定义行业部门或市场“制度”的特征(例如,由高或低的市场波动性或其他市场趋势确定的时期)都会靠近树的根部。

    Choosing Hyperparameter Values / 选择超参数

    In non-financial and non-time series machine learning, setting this hyperparameter is fairly straightforward: you use grid search cross-validation to find the value that maximizes the model’s performance on validation data. When you have time-series data, you typically don’t use cross-validation because usually you just want a single validation dataset that is as close in time as possible to the present. If you have a problem with high signal-to-noise, then you can try a bit of parameter tuning on the single validation set. In finance, though, you have time series data and you have low signal-to-noise. Therefore, you have one validation set and if you were to try a bunch of parameter values on this validation set, you would almost surely be overfitting. As such, you need to set the parameter with some judgement and minimal trials.
    在非金融和非时间序列的机器学习中,设置超参数非常简单:您可以使用网格搜索交叉验证来找到使模型在验证数据上的性能最大化的值。当您拥有时间序列数据时,通常不使用交叉验证,因为通常您希望验证集对应的时间越晚越好(译注: 理由可以见这里)。如果信噪比过高,可以在单个验证集中尝试一些参数调整。但是,在金融领域,您有时间序列数据,信噪比也很低。鉴于只有一个验证集,如果要在此验证集上尝试一堆参数值,则几乎肯定会过拟合。因此,您需要通过一些判断和最少的尝试来设置参数。

    Random Forests for Alpha Combination / 用于Alpha组合的随机森林


    For this type of problem, we have data that look like the above. Each row is indexed by both date and asset. We typically have several alpha factors, and we then calculate “features”, which provide the random forest model additional information. For example, we may calculate date features, which the algorithm could use to learn that certain factors are particularly predictive during certain periods.
    对于这种类型的问题,我们有类似上面的数据。 每行都按日期和资产编制索引。 通常,我们有几个alpha因子,然后我们计算“特征”,这些特征为随机森林模型提供了其他信息。 例如,我们可以计算日期特征,该算法可用于了解某些因素在某些时期特别具有预测性。
    What are we trying to predict? We’re trying to predict asset returns—but not their decimal values! We rank them relative to each other into only two buckets, such that we essentially predict winners and losers on the day. T
    我们要预测什么? 我们正在尝试预测资产收益,但不能预测其十进制值! 我们将它们彼此相对地分为两个等级,这样我们就可以基本上预测当天的赢家和输家。

    Source: AI for Trading, Udacity

  • Validation for Financial Data 金融数据的验证集

    Furthermore, when working with financial data, we can bring practitioners’ knowledge of markets and financial data to bear on our validation procedures. We know that since markets are competitive, factors decay over time; signals that may have worked well in the past may no longer work well by the current time. For this reason, we should generally test and validate on the most recent data possible, as testing on the recent past could be considered the most demanding test.

    It’s possible that the design of the model may cause it to perform better or worse in different market regimes; so the most recent time period may not be in a market regime in which the model would perform well. But generally, we still prefer to use most recent data to test if the model would work in the time most similar to the present. In practice, of course, before investing a lot of money in a strategy, we would allow time to elapse without changing the model, and test its performance with this true out-of-sample data: what’s known as “paper trading”.

    In summary, most common practice is to keep a block of data from the most recent time period as your test set.

    Then, the data are split into train, valid and test sets according to the following schematic:

    When working with data that are indexed by asset and day, it’s important not to split data for the same day, but for different assets, among sets. This would manifest as a subtle form of lookahead bias. For example, say data from Coca-Cola and Pepsi for the same day ended up in different sets. Since they are very similar companies, one might expect their share price trends to be correlated. If the model were trained on data from one company, and then validated on data from the other company, it might “learn” about a price movement that affects both companies, and therefore have artificially inflated performance on the validation set.
    当使用按资产和日期索引的数据时,重要的是不要在同一天中将同一种资产的数据分到一组,而是将不同资产的数据分到一组内。 这将表现为超前偏差的微妙形式(译注:某种程度上像是利用了未来数据)。 例如,说来自可口可乐和百事可乐的同一天的数据以不同的集合结束。 由于它们是非常相似的公司,因此人们可能希望它们的股价趋势相互关联。 如果模型是根据一个公司的数据进行训练的,然后根据另一公司的数据进行验证的,则它可能会“了解”会影响两家公司的价格变动,因此会人为地夸大验证集上的绩效。

    Source/来源: AI for Trading, Udacity

  • Cross Validation for Time Series 时间序列数据的交叉验证

    Methods for choosing training, testing and validation sets for time-series data work a little differently than the methods described so far. The main reasons we cannot use the previously described methods exactly as described are,

    We want our validation and testing procedure to mimic the way our model would work in production. In production, it’s impossible to train on data from the future. Accordingly, training on data that occurred later in time than the validation or test data is problematic.
    Time series data can have the property that data from later times are dependent on data from earlier times. Therefore, leaving out an observation does not remove all the associated information due to correlations with other observations.
    How do we modify cross validation procedures to treat time-series data? A common method is to divide the data in the following manner:

    This way, each training set consists only of observations that occurred prior to the observations that form the validation set. Likewise, both the training and validation sets consist only of observations that occurred prior to the observations that form the test set. Thus, no future observations can be used in constructing the forecast.

    Source/来源: AI for Trading, UdaCity

  • 期权高频交易系统 简单揭秘




    • 网关(Gateway): 负责和交易所/经纪人(远端)打交道。一方面接收行情数据(报价更新,订单更新等),另一方面把交易指令传给远端.
    • 定价引擎(Pricing Engine): 接入的行情数据需要转换成策略需要的报价。对于衍生品来说,它的输出应当至少包含衍生品的理论价格。定价引擎可能还有额外的输入,比如对于期权定价而言,,一般会使用类Black-Scholes模型定价,有了标的物(underlying)的市场数据之后,它还需要波动率(volatility)、利率等参数的输入以及一些合规、风控相关的参数。
    • 策略(Strategy): 交易策略接收定价引擎的信息,同时他也接受策略目标instrument的实时行情。不同的策略给出不同的执行建议,然后把这些执行建议传给后续模块。
    • 风控&执行复用(Compliance & Execution Mux): 一个交易系统(很)可能同时执行多个策略。不同策略发出的执行建议可能互相重合、冲突或者产生执行时的合规风险。这个模块负责处理所有的执行请求,把合格的请求发给Gateway执行。这边用Mux相对形象一些,暂时还没想到更好的词。


    优化: 软件、硬件、程序语言…

    以C++为例,代码编写上将会大量使用模板(template)替代虚函数。一般应用场景上虚函数调用的开销可能是不值一提的,但是如果算到了纳秒(或CPU tick)级别,虚函数的开销也会令人头疼。也许有人会问,那接口继承怎么不用虚函数弄呢?有兴趣的可以去看一下CRTP设计模式。


    网关系统的职责是负责对外联系,一般分为行情数据(Market Data)和订单执行(Order Execution)两个部分。交易所一般会提供机房租赁,衍生品交易公司会采用co-location策略把交易主机放在租的机房里,确保和交易所的Matching Engine距离最近。所谓Matching Engine就是交易所自己用来匹配订单(order)的中央机器(其实有很多个机器)。
    就行情数据而言,绝大多数交易所是用UDP组播的方式下发数据的。收到组播数据后,需要把订单报价更新的信息尽快处理并上发。就程序逻辑优化而言,第一是要尽最大可能减少内存拷贝(memory copy)。第二是要钻研(并且实验!)交易所给的数据格式,避免去读取不需要的字段。其次某些交易所的市场数据可能还是通过ASCII字符下放的,这边就要尽量优化string to int的延迟。

    Market Data

    对于某些交易Gateway实现,也会包含price book/order book的更新。行情数据可以细分为不同的频道(channel),一些会播放price book update, 另一些则是order book update. 后者往往包含更多的交易信息,这些交易信息与trade update合并关联之后,就能给pricing module提供实时更新。对于price book/ order book,写代码的小哥往往会对他们各自抽象各自的数据结构,这些数据结构需要保证book update的响应尽量快。在book得到更新后,上层系统(strategy, pricing module)对它的需求是不同的,有些需要full depth of book,有些可能只需要几个book level或是只要TOB(top of book),针对这些不同的需求,系统也会给出不同的优化。也有系统把book update的具体操作另外归类为几个特殊事件直接传给系统上层、以便做出最快响应。这些事件可能包括巨大的价格变动(此时很可能需要撤单)。

    Order Execution

    再来讲讲发单的模块。系统给发单模块的指令已经是经过各种决策后的,一般不需要再进行过滤。一般而言,这部分是通过TCP传输的。为了尽快发单,一般采用数据结构预填充的方法,即把交易信息用数据结构表示,里面固定的字段预先填好。比如C++实现时,Order Execution模块会把各种发单请求写成类成员,在OE class构造时预先构造好。对于OE而言,一般情况下并发并不是主要考虑的因素,因为大部分交易所是允许单个消息包含多个订单请求的(bulk orders or bulk delete orders), 往往把交易请求拆单并发发出的总体耗时比用单个请求发出的更不划算。但这部分仍然需要通过做实验观察得出结论,对于部分的交易所,将一个大单拆成几小份可能有一半左右能抢到,但是如果做成一个大单可能真的是Fill(10%) or kill(90%)了。对于一些需要并发才能优化的交易所,也许会需要使用无锁队列(如MPMC Queue)进行优化。
    socket连接?有人可能会问socket怎么搞。其实这种时候用整个系统用busy loop, blocking的方式或许比费劲心事async来得更有效。当然对整个trading engine而言,它应当是多线程、适当异步的,或许Proactor模式更适合一些。所谓多线程,在通信不是很繁忙的desk上,整个gateway系统可以是一个线程,在比较繁忙的desk上,把market data和order execution拆成两个线程做是一种解法。


    此外,一般用于高频交易的主机往往要求CPU主频够快,对核心数要求并不特别高。为了主频够快,一些公司甚至会购买定制优化的超频主机来使用,通过将线程直接分别绑定在CPU core上,然后isolate cpu,再考虑NUMA node,继而用realtime scheduler实现各种黑优化。

    交易策略 Trading Strategy

    如果要对行情变化做出响应,在一个多线程的交易系统中,可能会用到一些消息队列。行情更新的信息会被主线程推到消息队列里,每个策略跑在单独的线程(这个线程可能会独占某个CPU核心)中,不停地做循环(Busy loop)去拿队列里的可用更新数据,做出相应的响应,然后再继续下一次轮询…
    策略的输出——基本上是一堆指令(command),其中绝大多数是交易指令。这些交易指令基本上会被堆到一些队列容器里,然后——等等——得交给交易限制检查(limit checker)模块先做一番检查。不同策略发出的交易指令可能会有冲突或者重叠,所以如果能安排一个Order Execution Manager的模块来快速处理这些交易指令,可能是明智之举。经过筛查的交易指令最终将会被发回到网关(Gateway)模块,然后发往交易所。一般来说,一个策略不是很关心它生成的单条指令最终的执行结果,这是因为系统发出去的订单结果,包括市场对它的反应,肯定会第一时间反馈到行情更新上。当然Order Execution Manager可能会对发单执行情况做一些统计并作为信息输入的一部分回馈给某个策略。


    • Hit rate,中文可能叫命中率。当你觉得市场上的行情报价有钱可赚的时候——打个比方,有人在以很便宜的价格卖某种期权——你就需要发出一个订单去吃掉对方的单。在你接收到这种利好行情的时候,别家也会接受到同样的信息,所以很有可能你有非常多的对手都想要吃掉这个人的便宜货。这时候hit rate就是衡量 实际成交的订单数(或者具体到多少手)/发出的订单数. 一般而言hit rate越高系统的性能越好,但是这个值跟你算的理论价格也有关系——如果你一直算偏了fair price,那么没人跟你抢单,hit rate也会出奇高;
    • Tick to Trade/Quote,即从接收到行情数据开始,直至发生交易时的时间间隔。一个性能强劲的系统,它的TTT/TTQ是非常低的。目前使用FPGA收发的策略,TTT在纳秒级


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    • 《C++ Templates: The Complete Guide》这本有侯捷的译本叫《C++ Template 全览》,英文读起来有点吃力
    • 《Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt》当小说看就行,讲高频交易的一些故事的
    • 《Options, Futures and Other Derivatives》中文名《期权、期货及其他衍生产品》偏教材的入门书籍,看完这个再看下一本
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